Talk with Chip
The "Why" behind the new podcast Talk with Chip. A podcast dedicated to helping answer all those questions you want to ask your boss or colleagues but are afraid to ask for fear of retribution, looking silly or just not ready to publicly ask. I don't judge, I will just try to answer your questions to the best of my ability and provide my insight via personal experience in the business world. Let's talk about everything business. Don't understand something? If I can't answer it, I will find a friend who can...my network is wide and deep...I am fairly certain I can find the answer to just about any question out there. This podcast is really geared toward the younger business team members trying to navigate their growth path. Hopefully my explanations and opinions will help you to make the appropriate decisions as they pertain to your personal growth in the business world.
Talk with Chip
Know Who You Are
Talk with Chip is a podcast dedicated to answering the questions most people are afraid to ask at work. This is a non-judgmental space where no question is a dumb question. Use my 30 years experience in the corporate world to help you navigate your way through career growth and happiness.